Good for the Community.
Good for Business.
Aligning your business with SheSprints is notably good for the community, but is good for business as well. Your association with SheSprints, a women only sprint-distance triathlon and duathlon, can help reach and impact up to thousands of educated, affluent and culturally-savvy participants & attendees and create brand experiences in a non-traditional way. Sponsorship packages include many tangible and actionable rights and benefits:
Achieve marketing & communications objectives
Underscore community commitment & social responsibility
Receive positive media relations
Attract customers & generate leads
Engage Employees
Entertain Clients
For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities, contact us at
Founded in 1993, Downing Events is a premiere event management company in Colorado. Our reputation for conducting events of the highest standard has been recognized by clients nationwide who seek safe, well planned, managed and executed events.